Ministry Value Statement

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Rom. 15:13

Our Purpose is:

– Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ 

– Proclaim; Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings

– Be more Christlike everyday

– To build high-level relationships with people 

– Teach the truth of God

– Speak freely, without fear

– Be Promise keepers

– Access Divine healing


The Mission of Jesus is Now Our Mission

Isaiah 61:1-2


The What…..

1. Preach good news to Poor-spiritually -Proclaim the good news.

2. Bind up the Brokenhearted -Repair and enhance lives

3. Proclaim freedom to Captives -Proclaim freedom to those in bondage

4. Release for prisoners, opening the eyes of the blind -Proclaim release from strongholds(obstacles, roadblocks)that keeps you stuck or plateaued.

5. Proclaim the year of the Lords Favor -Proclaim the favor of God.

Vision – The Why

To introduce to as many people as we can to the facts that,

God so greatly loved and prized you that He gave up His only begotten Son so that you, when you believe and trust in; rely on Him, shall not be destroyed or lost, but you will have eternal life.

John 3:16

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