Wedding Bell Ferns™

What Do All Brides Have In Common? 

They all want their wedding to be unique and special……….


Wedding Bell Ferns™ are a strain of ferns developed by my family over 45 years of growing and cultivating these little frilly forkers. Developed from a Nephrolepis exalta cultivar that mutated, Wedding Bell Ferns™ produce a profusion of frilly, multiple fronds rather than a plain, single frond at the end.


My grandmother named them Wedding Bell Ferns™ because this profusion of multiple fronds that fork and re-fork, curling at the end in bunches reminded her, indeed, of wedding bells. When a frond reaches 18″ to 36″, it produces a massive explosion of these frilly emerald green shoots of glossy, crinkly pinnae.


And that is not all–these rare and seldom seen ferns are are glorious and gigantic– worthy of a conservatory or a true Southern Lady’s front porch, which is exactly why my grandmother cherished them. These green beauties are easy to grow and forgiving, even for beginners. Simply give the little forkers good light and keep them evenly moist. 


Excellent houseplant; fabulous conservatory showpiece… 


Perfect for Weddings and other special events.



Contact Judy Raad for details and available selection of various sizes.

Call 850.803.9737, email:

AGNI Farms, LLC – Sponsor of Hope and Healing Ministry

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