Transformational Coaching – “Strategies of High Achievers”

These Strategies can change Your life!

Ask yourself:

1. Is my life what I want it to be? 
2. Am I tired of being discouraged and frustrated? 
3. Am I worried about my future?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, when will you do something about it? Stop putting yourself through such pain. There is a better
way to take on your challenges.

Maybe you are ok with your life but feel that you have something extraordinary to accomplish. There is also a better way to achieve your dreams.

  • Are you satisfied with your life?

  • If you do not change today, what will you face tomorrow?

  • Will you fulfill your life’s dreams?

Is your dream to have the life you want, doing work that you passionately love, growing and becoming what you want to become?

Are these your realities?:

  • Do you feel you are working too hard and for the wrong reasons?

  • Do you feel you are not living up to your potential?

  • Do you feel your life and work lacks meaning?

  • Do you feel that there is something that you must do but you don’t know how to do it?

  • Do you feel obligated to work rather than being passionate about your work?

  • Do you feel that your life is out of control?

  • Do you constantly put off doing things you need or want to do?

  • Do you feel your life lacks purpose?

  • Do you have the skills to change the things that are unsatisfactory in your life?

  • Do you use your time effectively?

  • Do you have a dream?

  • Do you feel like giving up?

  • Do you want more out of life than money?

  • Do you know how to change your life?

  • Do you feel enough pain yet or will you put off changing your life just a little longer?

If you do not like where your life is heading – are you ready for a positive change?

Are you ready to say enough is enough?

Are you ready to gain more time, more money, more satisfaction, more LIFE? 
Or are you ok with what is happening?

If you do not change you are heading for these realities:

  • Only one American in 3 has money saved for retirement.

  • 33% of Americans have no pension.

  • 10,000 people will turn 65 today and less than 5% are financially independent.

  • 60% of workers age 65 and older must hold a full time job to survive.

  • One person in four who reaches 65 will live past 90.

  • One in ten will live past 95.

  • How much money will you need in your retirement?   If you retire at 65 and live for 10 years on a sum of just $ 35,000 a year. You will need to have saved $ 350,000.

    • For 20 years you will need $ 700,000.

    • For 30 years you will need $ 1,050,000.

    • And $ 35,000 per year in our current economy is not very much money!

What will be your future if you do not change, right now?

The Power Strategies of High Achievers Mentoring Program was created to help family and friends learn the techniques that we have learned from our life’s mentors. And just as they shared with us, we want to share them with you.

We will guide you every step of the way though this amazing personal mentoring program. Please come join us!

Here are four reasons why this program is going to make a phenomenal difference in your professional and personal life:

  • You will learn 15 power strategies that have been used by the world’s most successful people to achieve their impossible dreams.

  • You will learn and master specific techniques to instantly apply each strategy to your daily life at work and at home. 

  • You will be lead step by step through each technique and strategy with exercises that enable you to begin using each technique literally overnight.

  • You are being mentored by a man who has 30+ years influencing the lives of others to excel according to their gifting and attain exceptional results.

You will learn 20 Laws of Extraordinary Success to guide your decisions as you change your life.

It isn’t always about what things cost – but what something is worth. That determines it’s value.

What is it worth to you? Seeing your dreams become reality! Your complete satisfaction is always guaranteed.


To participate in this Fabulous Program contact us at Or Call 850.621.3449 for all the details.

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